Nr. 3-4/2020-5



The research aimed at examining the perceptions of employees in the IT&C field, talking about the relevance of gender in choosing the professional path. A short journey through the career experiences of the respondents led to the identification of the absence or presence of stereotypes, inequalities or gender discrimination in shaping their own profession. The theories that formed the basis of this scientific study belong to specialists in the field of studying gender differences in science and technology, such as Prof. Dr. Cosima Rughiniș or Prof. Dr. Maria-Elena Osiceanu.

The authors concluded that both in Romania and in Europe, the percentage of girls who choose to pursue engineering studies is much lower compared to that of boys. Stereotypes have predetermined a harder career path for women engineers or scientists than for men.

The qualitative sociological study was conducted using the semi-structured interview technique. The data obtained showed that among the relevant distinctions in career choice is that of stereotypes, discrimination and gender inequalities. There were both respondents who confirmed their presence, reporting from their own or acquaintancesʼ experiences and respondents who manifested their neutral position or who vehemently denied the existence of gender differences in the field of IT&C.

Keywords: gender stereotypes, “women in STEM”, discrimination, career, IT&C.