Nr. 5-6/2017 -2

This report was developed in the project “National Risk Assessment – RO RISK” – (SIPOCA code: 30, co-financed under EFS through the Operational Programme for Administrative Capacity 2014 – 2020) under coordination of the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations by a team of external experts (Agora Est Consulting). In the elaboration of the report, the team of experts benefited from the assistance provided by advisors from the Joint Assistance to Support Projects in European Regions (JASPERS). The report contains the main activities that were undertaken in order to comply with the recommendations provisioned in the thematic ex-ante conditionalities for accessing European funds in 2014‒2020, as proposed by the General Regulation 2014‒2020. The aim of this report was to present the main actions which were undertaken in order to develop a solid risk assessment process in Romania. This report is the first one of a series of reports which will be periodically updated in order to insure a proper communication of risks to population and relevant institutions.

Keywords: risks assessment, ex-ante conditionalities, risks at national level.

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